Ananda Marga is an international socio-spiritual organisation. It is propounded by Shrii Shrii Ananda Murtijii who is also known as seer philosopher Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. Ananda Marga has so many departments to carry out its humanitarian services, one of them is ‘ERAWS DEPARTMENT’[ Education Relief And Welfare Section] whose mission is education for all .It is implementing its mission by opening and operating school. At present it runs more than 1000 kindergarten and primary schools in different parts of the world. In Bengal, India, itself the ERAWS department has already covered 60% and in Tripura 75% of the blocks with English medium primary schools.‘GURUKULA’ is also another important department of Ananda Marga. ‘GURUKULA’ is a Samskrit word with an unique etymology. ‘GU’ means darkness , ‘RU’ means dispeller and ‘KULA’ means institution. ‘GURUKULA’ means the institution which dispels the darkness and liberates the mind of the student from all kinds of dogmas, superstitions and narrow-mindedness through education and make them the real human beings and responsible citizen of the planet . The education ‘GURUKULA’ imparts in its affiliated ‘ERAWS’ operated schools is known as ‘NEO-HUMANISTIC’ education. Motto of GURUKULA :To serve humanity with neo-humanistic spirit and to acquire knowledge for that purpose.The world- humanity is fragmented into pieces today because fundamentally it lacks all inclusive love. Religious in-fights, gender wars, environmental destructions, economic disparities, all are happening because of the philosophy of rejection, exclusion, fragmentation, hatred and intolerance which are being taught within and without our school system. So the very meaning and the purpose of the education is totally lost today.
The main responsibility of ‘GURUKULA’ is to fix the falling apart world by imparting all inclusive ‘NEO-HUMANISTIC’ love in its education system .The ambit of this ‘NEO-HUMANISTIC’ love is so broad and expanded that not only all human beings ,even flora ,fauna and the entire inanimate world also comes within it. In our education system it is prohibited to teach that the world belongs to the man only. ‘NEO-HUMANISTIC’ education also believes in all round growth of a child which is physical, mental and spiritual. This education system is a happy blending of analytical objective knowledge of the occident and synthetical spiritual wisdom of the orient.
‘ANANDA MARGA GURUKULA’ implements its mission by writing ‘NEO-HUMANISTIC’ books and print them for the schools, make syllabus, set up question papers etc. It is also to set the standard for the education and also responsible for the higher education like college and university.