Detailed plans and programs to solve all the problems in the world today.

CAKRANEMII(MASTER UNIT) is to /(can) fill the vacancy of
  1. The self-centered theory of capitalism,
  2. The matter-centered theory of communism.
  3. The dogma-centered theory of religion.

Master units are a model for society in all respects

  • Agriculture
  • Energy
  • Industry
  • Education
  • Economy
  • Ecology
  • and in spiritual upliftment.

    Master-units are self sufficient survival centers for the coming years of turmoil.

    In the time of famine ,M.U will proviode food.
    In drought ,water.
    In energy crisis , alternative sources of power.
    In economic depression full employment through cottage Industries.
    M.U will supply all the basic essential things of life (food clothes,education,medical care and shelter) during the years of increasing wants.

    Now is time to develop our M.U s before its too late.

    13 Essential items for lal master units

    1. Model-Farms and agriculture extension service.
    2. Seed Bank and cheap seed distribution center.
    3. Free plants Distribution
    4. Flour Mill
    5. Bakery
    6. .Dairy Farm
    7. BIO gas plant
    8. Apiculture
    9. Sericulture
    10. Solar Energy
    11. School and Children's Home
    12. Medical Service
    13. Animal Sanctuary

    agricultural projects in TRIPURA M.U..
    M.U. Chamtila
    Machmara MU in TRIPURA
    agricultural projects in TRIPURA M.U..
    school at Machmara M.U in Tripura