Flood Relief in Assam

Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (volunteers of AMURT & AMURTEL,Guwahati) distributed relief materials like biscuits, cloths, fried rice, flattened rice, rice, puffed rice, candle, safety matches, tonned milk, mosquito nets, medicines etc among 7500 beneficiaries on 28th July, who were affected by recent devastating flood in the villages Tikhapur, Ghogra, Bhuragaon, Mayang in Morigaon district of Assam. It is estimated that relief materials of Rs. 1, 80000/-(approximately)  had been served among the needy and paupers of the said places. The Govt. Authorities like DC, Morigaon, DC, Guwahati, CEO, Disaster Management and their subordinates cooperated a lot in executing  our relief work.



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