Women Welfare Department of Ananda Marga, is a women section of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, established in the year 1965. It is dedicated to uplifting the dignity of women and ensure all women have the opportunity to realize their potentialities - physical, mental and spiritual.

Shrii Shrii Ananda Murtijii, the preceptor of Ananda Marga, in His blessing said, " You as the most dignified section of human society do something for the universal human beings." In the field of spirituality He had never supported the age long dogma of isolation of women in spirituality. To ensure that women were encouraged in learning spiritual practice, He personally initiated a number of sisters in the early days of the mission. Like the male counterpart of the organization, He empowered sisters to be ordained as Aca'rya's of His worldwide mission those who would be guiding the entire womanhood into the path of spirituality.
Women Welfare Department (WWD) was given full departmental status within Ananda Marga Organizational structure, with CWWS (Central Women's Welfare Secretary) being the head of the department.
To utilize the full potential of this dignified section He established several sections and branches of this department with respective in-charges in different phases of the organization.
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team - Ladies (AMURTEL), established in 1975 with the mission to alleviate suffering and provide immediate and long term relief to women and children in need.
Children's Home - WWD manages hundreds of homes for parentless and destitute children all over the world. We embrace each and every child with love and affection nurture them in Ashramic environment for their all round progress.
Hariparimandal Gosthi - Ladies (HPMGL) - HPMGL strives for spiritual upliftment of society through Kiirtana - the highest devotional expression.
Girls' Volunteers ( GV) - to encourage women to develop the skills and physical fitness necessary to be independent and to protect themselves and their sisters against physical and economic exploitation.
Narii Abhyudaya - Is responsible for creating economic opportunities for women by providing skill training,
training in setting up small scale commercial and industrial projects for self-sufficiency of women.
Education - This section of WWD is to open and run schools in different parts of the world based on holistic philosophy of Neohumanism. ( Neo-Humanism is the practice of love for all creation including plants, animals and the inanimate world).
Progressive Womens' spiritual Association (PWSA) - Is to ensure uplifting the dignity of women through intellectual development, spiritual guidance and social awareness through study circles etc.
Master Units (Ladies) - Are the rural multipurpose development projects supporting sustainable agriculture developments and social service programme to provide for the need of the local population. In every master units there are schools, children's home, hostels, medical units, cottage industry, agriculture farming etc. Uma Nivas (Anandanagar) has been our centre of activities with all the different projects. We are also running a girl's high school there.
Girls' Prout (GP) - Girls' Proutists are committed to the struggle for justice and equality for all members of society, particularly, fight for the economic independence and self-sufficiency of women section of the society.
Children Home