The concern for the vital flow throbbing in other human beings originally led people to the concept of humanism,it made them humanists.Now if t he same human sentiment is existence be said to have attained its final consummation ,and in the process of expanding one's inner love for the creatures there should be one more sentiment behind this human sentiment broader than the human sentiment.This new humanism ,Neo-humanism will vibrate human sentiment in all directions,which will touch the innermost recesses of the hearts of all creatures,and lead one and all to the final stage of supreme blessedness.
All molecules atoms,electrons protons,positrons an d neutrons are the veritable expressions of the same supreme blessedness.
ALL molecules,atoms,electrons,protons and neutrons are the veritable expressions of the same supreme consciousness.Those who remember this reality who keep this realization ever alive in their hearts,are said to have attained perfection in life.They are the devotees, the real Bhaktas. When this devotional cult does not remain confined to a mere theory but instead is elevated to a devotional sentiment,a devotional mission to the realm of devotional ideation, when the underlying spirit of humanism is extended to everything aniate and inanimate in this universe this has been designated as Neohumanism .This Neo-humanism will elevate humanism to universalism ,the cult of love for all created beings of this universe.